Law Enforcement Training

Every year the Direzione Centrale per i Servizi Antidroga organises a wide range of courses for  the Italian law enforcement Agencies and the corresponding foreign police Authorities, such as:
–  Antidrug training and refresher courses for Undercover Agents;
– Courses for Heads of Antidrug Specialised Units;
– “Drug on line” Courses;
– Workshops on Illicit Laboratories for the manufacture of narcotic drugs and NPS.

The training activities aim at enhancing technical/professional and juridical skills and at combining the DCSA institutional tasks with the need to strengthen the international cooperation relations due to the exponential increase in transnational drug crime.

Along with the above-mentioned training, there are laboratory activities and operational simulations, aimed at promoting experiential approaches at DCSA Headquarters or abroad upon request of foreign corresponding agencies/International Organisations (workshops, study visits etc).

During these courses drug experts, academics, magistrates and qualified law enforcement operators, (national and foreign officers), share with the trainees their respective professional experience and knowledge, in order to strengthen the professional skills of the law enforcement personnel.

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